Английский язык на Мальте

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👤 Денис Векслер

13 Aug 2018

 The whole impression about my experience of studying English in Malta IELS is more than good! Couple of words about it:

1. Accommodation. The Days Inn hotel is a tidy and neat place, but you can end up in the room with window, looking at the wall:) It’s not so horrifying as it seems at first - you can get used to it:)

2. School. The school located not far from the hotel, so you can manage to buy coffee on the way to it:) Classes are mostly comfortable and  you won’t be sweating during lessons, because there is AC in every of them. 

3. Studying. Most of the teachers are very friendly. Though sometimes I wished we had less people in classes. For speaking classes, 12 people is too much.My thanks to Franchesco, our teacher on speaking classes. He is a prominent person, makes everybody to laugh :)If you came to Malta for studying English, accommodation in Days Inn would help you with that greatly.

If I have a time next summer, I will certainly go to Malta for studying English in that school and your company, Sergey! Thanks for your service!

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